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This week, Lesa has created a worksheet to help you achieve a finished peice.  concentrating on drawing and shading for beginners.  


To recieve the file, please purchase it from the store (its free, so dont worry).  Once you've completed the minimal checkout, the file will become available to download.


The file is password protected though.  To recieve the password to the file for download, please subscribe to our website.  We'll then email you out the password in our mailing list.



To download the files, you need to go to the website and choose the "draw with Lesa week 1" product.  Its a digital file, and you will need to "purchase" it, even though its free.  Purchasing only requires your email address as once purchased, you'll receive the order summary in your email where you can download the file.


However, even at this point you wont be told the password to those files.  The only way to receive the file password is if you have subscribed to the mailing list on our website.  We'll then email all recipients the password.



Remember - only subscribers will recieve the password, even if you've just purchased it you will still need to subscribe to the website and join our mailing list.


Subscribers will be emailed the password for this session on the evening of Thursday 12/12/24 

Draw with Lesa Week 1


     Lesa Welch  Proudly created with

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